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Dog Food - Are You Getting It Right?

If you have a dog, healthy dog food is imperative to help keep your dog as healthy as possible. Premium dog food is some of the best you can give your dog to help them maintain a healthy diet and remain energetic. Whether it's dry, canned or frozen, premium quality dog food provides a number of facets that most dog food just can't offer. Here are 5 benefits to using premium dog food over any other kind on the market. It's an awful thing to think about, but in light of the recent pet food recalls it is all too much of a reality. So many people lost their pets because they trusted their pet food providers to give them the right amount of nutrition for their pet, and they paid for it with their dearest companion's life.

Many pet owners lost their dogs - someone they considered members of their families - over tainted dog food incidents. Many dog lovers will never trust the commercialized dog food industry ever again.

If you suspect your dog's food may be giving him allergies, you can try feeding him a special diet to determine what is giving him trouble. The diet is composed of food that is scientifically created with very low-molecular-weight proteins. Proteins below a certain molecular weight are thought to be incapable of causing food allergies. You can find this food, in wet and dry formulas, online and at many veterinarians' offices. If after six weeks of feeding this special diet, you find that your dog's allergy symptoms are alleviated, it's safe to assume that his food is the cause of these symptoms. To determine which ingredient is the culprit (usually by-products from meat and poultry sources), reinforce each one into the diet to see if your dog's symptoms recur. Check the ingredients list on your regular dog food label, and add each item-chicken, turkey, corn, bulgur wheat, potato or rice, for example into the special diet one at a time, every three weeks. At each meal, add ten percent of the test food to the bowl, and reduce the special diet by ten percent. Obviously, you won't be testing the chemicals but you can eliminate quite a few ingredients once you have determined which ones caused the allergy. If your dog has no reaction to the added ingredients, the culprit is likely a chemical or by-product- which you will want to eliminate along with corn, wheat, sugar and salt from your dog's diet, indefinitely. Don't be surprised, however, if you find several ingredients cause a reaction. Once you have discovered the allergens, search out high-quality dog foods that do not contain these ingredients. Your dog may find an allergy-free or vet-recommended diet to be bland but a bland diet is better than a miserable dog! As long as he is drinking plenty of water, don't be alarmed of he doesn't take to it right away. When he gets hungry enough, he will venture into the new food for a nibble. Eventually, he will adjust to his new diet especially if you compensate with some yummy, allergy-free treats!

Have you ever seen dogs in the wild? Have you ever seen them in a natural habitat just as they were before man came along? Last time I looked at dogs in their natural habitat I do not remember the dogs using fires to overcook and dry out their meal. And they certainly did not spice it up with a toxic cocktail of unhealthy additives and preservatives.

The remaining half of the market is for all other dog food manufacturers to divide. Del Monte Foods has a limited global presence but will take a larger bite out of the dog food market through recent acquisitions.